Clinical Nurse Specialist
The Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) is a BRN certified RN who is an advanced practice nurse providing expert clinical practice, research, education, consultation and clinical leadership with an identified patient population. The scope of clinical nurse specialist practice includes patients, nursing personnel and organization systems. Clinical nurse specialists work in direct patient care and indirect patient care activities that affect a broad range of patients.
- Nursing Practice Act, Article 9 (Clinical Nurse Specialist) – Business and Professions Code sections 2838-2838.4
- Business and Professions Code Section 2725
- FAQs CARES Act of 2020
Related Links:
- Certification of Clinical Nurse Specialist
- CNS National Certification
- Clinical Nurse Specialist Application Instructions
- Clinical Nurse Specialist Programs
- CNS Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing and BRN Listed Psychiatric Mental Health RN
- Advisory/Ad Hoc Committees
Other Resources:
- California Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists
- National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists
- National Council State Boards of Nursing APRN Consensus Model
- National Council State Boards of Nursing CNS Independent Practice Map
- National Council State Boards of Nursing CNS Independent Prescribing Map
Historical Documents:
BPC 2725 (e): No state agency other than the board may define or interpret the practice of nursing for those licensed pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, or develop standardized procedures or protocols pursuant to this chapter, unless so authorized by this chapter, or specifically required under state or federal statute. “State agency” includes every state office, officer, department, division, bureau, board, authority, and commission.